Travel MedEvac is a premium air ambulance membership plan that provides air medical transport home when the unexpected happens. If hospitalized for a serious injury or illness and traveling more than 150 miles from home or living as an expatriate outside the United States or Canada, Travel MedEvac membership plans provide air medical transport to your home hospital of choice. Available to residents and citizens of the United States and Canada, Travel MedEvac has you covered whether you travel or live in your home country, Mexico, the Caribbean, the Bahamas or Central America.
Key Membership Services and Benefits
- Premium air medical transport to your home hospital of choice
- All ground ambulance during transport from Hospital-to-Hospital
- “Specialty Hospital” transport when you are not traveling
- Transport of traveling companion or family member
- Visitor transportation if hospitalized and too unstable to be moved
- Medical transport of visiting grandchildren for all family plans
- Medical transport for organ transplant
- Organ transport to transplant recipient’s hospital
- Continued recovery medical transport return
- Return of stranded vehicle, RV, motorcycle and watercraft
- Transport and repatriation of mortal remains
- Additional travel services
Our members care is not compromised by bidding out your air medical transport to the lowest priced provider. Our members receive first class care from Air Ambulance Worldwide who manages all the logistics of our member’s medical transport from hospital-to-hospital. Their network of air ambulance providers includes over 50 fixed wing aircraft in North and Central America, all accredited by EURAMI and CAMTS, the highest accreditation for safety and medical treatment in the air ambulance industry.
Whether driving, flying or travel by boat or cruise ship, Travel MedEvac has flexible plans to fit all your client’s needs.
Plan Terms and Types
Daily Plans ● Daily to Mexico by Auto Plans ● Annual Plans ● Multi-Annual Plans Individual ● Couples ● Family Plans Regular Travel ● Extended-Stay ● Expatriate Plans
There are No Deductibles, No Dollar Limits and No Out-of- Pocket Costs for air medical transports.
Daily plans start at $3 per person per day. Annual plans start at less than a .20 cents per person per day. Protect your clients Health, Wealth and Time with a Travel MedEvac Membership today!