When shown as covered on the Declarations page of the El Aguila Compañía de Seguros policy, and upon payment of the corresponding premium, (i.e. when you purchase the extended policy) the policy will include an endorsement that modifies the coverage as described in the terms and conditions of the policy. Some of these changes include:
- Included Limits for Civil Liability for Property Damage and for Bodily Injury to Third Parties - The Combined Single Limit for Property Damage Liability/Bodily Injury Liability limit is US $300,000.
- Increased Medical Expenses for Occupants of the Insured Vehicle - The limit for Medical Expenses is increased to US $15,000 per person, US $75,000 per accident.
- Guaranteed Bond and Legal Assistance - The Company legal representative will post bond or deposit the guarantee before the Agent of the Public Ministry Office and/or Penal Judge up to a limit equal to the 3rd party liability limit selected to obtain the provisional release of the Driver, and/or the release of the covered vehicle and to guarantee the repair of the damaged third party property.
- Increased Cost of Repair - With prior agreement of The Company, the Insured may proceed to repair his vehicle outside Mexico. Instead of Mexican labor rates, the Company will pay a higher labor rate of $75 per hour for all vehicle types.
* Vehicles will be considered a total loss at the option of The Company. - Fixed Deductibles - Deductibles for collision and total theft are fixed at US $500 and US $1000 respectively.
- Partial Theft - Theft of parts and accessories that are permanently attached to the insured vehicle, excluding video and sound reproducing equipment, personal property, or objects contained in the vehicle. This coverage is subject to the fixed deductible of US $1,000 for theft.
- Vandalism - Intentional and malicious damage to or destruction of the insured vehicle. This coverage is subject to a fixed deductible of US $1,000.
- Deductible Waiver in Accidents with Third Parties At Fault - If the insured is involved in an accident in which an uninsured third party is at fault as determined by the corresponding Mexican legal authorities, and damage is sustained to the insured vehicle, The Company will pay for damages to the insured vehicle and waive the corresponding deductible.
The Insured, however, must fully cooperate with The Company in order to retain the corresponding right of recovery against the third party responsible for the accident.