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New Light in the Homeowners Market

After Hurricane Odile, in late 2014, we have seen a deterioration in the Mexico Homeowners markets with companies tightening underwriting guidlines, rating rate, and in the case of our own program with ACE, pulling out of the market.

Despite this, there are thousands of Americans and Canadians who own or rent homes and condos in Mexico each year who need coverage, and prefer to buy it from you rather than someone random that may or may not speak English. They prefer to purchase a policy they can read, with coverage they can understand. That is what we have tried to create with GNP.

GNP is an A - rated Mexican Insurance Company. They are Mexico's second largest insurance carrier, and large player in terms of property insurance in Mexico.

Limits and Coverage on a general level is as follows:


Dwelling and Other Structures - $25,000 - $500,000

Sub-limit of Dwelling for Glass Coverage (5%)

Deductible options starting as low as $500

Personal Property* - $0 – 250,000

Theft Sub-limit of Personal Property (20%)

Deductible options starting as low as $500

Loss of Use/Loss of Rents –  20% of Dwelling Value

Debris Removal - 10% of Dwelling Value

Personal Liability  - Up to 1 Million USD*

*Mexico Liability only

Catastrophic Coverage

Quake, Volcanic Eruption*

Hurricane, Wind, Flood, Tidal Wave*

* Subject to peril specific deductible and coinsurance

Mandatory Endorsements

15 Day Waiting Period for hurricane Coverage

Ineligible Risks

States of Campeche, Quintana Roo, and Yucatan

Restricted Zip Codes

Assets Exposed to the Elements

Other Benefits

Coastal Risks are eligible

No storm shutter requirement

This coverage is written on a Mexican policy form, please be familiar with the coverage before discussing with your clients.


If you would like to offer your clients the opportunity to insure their homes in Mexico click here to contact Mexico Insurance Online or call us, toll-free, at 1-844-273-5527. Once you are enabled to sell our Homeowners insurance, simply log-in to issue policies.

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